Debunk War
Endless war
Seventeen hundred years
Of rationalization
Because of
Just War Theories
It means escalation
That the other side
Is always a greater evil
And proportionality
Is never enough decimation
So war becomes endless.
And where are we?
With the mayhem
The revenge
The violence
The slashing of our souls
Sad gutting of our civilization
And fraudulent abuse of power
Leaves us vacuous
With a reverse set of values
And a lack of forward motion
Fighters rather than lovers
Time to debunk war
And guns and violence
And learn to be better human
Beings more authentic
More honest opening to
Non-violent peace.
(On occasion of realizing that Just War Theories do not work when one side thinks they are the good guys that can find excuses to justify war) 10/17/14
Visualizing Where
Disciples dream of a world where every person is
Perceived as a child of God—dignified, respected—
Where no person is seen as better than another,
Sharing strategies to overcome violence,
Gathering around the open table of Sabbath rest,
To connect with other persons caring about the earth,
Not taking from but creating a better place,
Where courageous persons speak out for peace,
Embracing pluralism, transcending nationalism,
Where persons work for justice,
Where all kind of work is valued and compensated fairly,
Where the poor and oppressed get a fair shake,
Where all rise to become more kind, gentle
and loving, transforming our neighbors.
(On occasion of a Disciples Peace Fellowship meeting on April 20, 2009
to make a statement on “What would a world of justice and peace look like?”)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Bullets Fail – Let PeacePrevail
How strange the fascination with bullets,
Hard, brassy, classy, shiny in their cases,
Poised, coiled in the chambers of weapons,
Until triggered, flying through fleshy places.
How foolish are the grabbers who rein in others,
Powerful, like pro-wrestlers, except with a gun,
Strutting, cajoling, suppressing, acting big,
Passing on a macho mask from father to son.
People may work, picking up a paycheck,
Never once having to ask who’s to blame,
When a sixteen year old boy finds a gun,
Targets his school as if on a video game.
Nobody knows where goes those bullets,
Maiming a soldier, trying not to die in vain,
But killing another, nobody really cares,
How the violence makes us all go insane.
And so the bullets travel through Iraq,
Fighting a wretched war built on a lie,
Or into the scary scenes of street gangs
Fighting for recognition before they die.
So many bully bullets roam around the world,
Tearing apart the beauty of innocent’s delight,
To crumble the walls that keep them out
And steal the scarce little that is their right.
When will we ever learn that bullets hurt
Our chances to make life our ultimate goal,
Because, before the flame of love flickers out,
We must nurture peace or rip apart our soul.
(On the occasion of the 4th Anniversary of theIraq war, 3/18/07)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Call 911
Unspeakable strangulated silence
Lingers in the echo chambers
Of our hollow hearts, congested
By the layered cholesterol
Of fatty white lies,
That it was Sadaam or Osama
Who were the cause of all our problems,
After two airliners collide
With two titan towers
Bringing the financial goliaths
To their knees, collapsing
The impenetrable veneer
That any one nation has a right
To lord it over many other nations.
911 was a call for help,
but arrogant and deaf leaders missed the call,
too proud to admit that nations need help,
more prone to blame anyone else
and name calling them “terrorist,”
a perfect substitute for old enemies,
the communists – a worthy monster,
in which to spread high alert fear
and divert the money making machine
behind secret doors – to sell bullets
and steal oil and build empire,
looking more and more
like we become the actual terrorists
to the rest of a desperate world.
If only we had listened
Instead of starting Bush’s war.
Maybe we would not have caused
Our own heart attack
As a nation, collapsing
Into an evil vortex of tornadic destruction,
Call 911 for emergency rescue and
Help us to learn from Viet Nam,
That more war causes more pain,
That only a confession of wrong
Will heal our soul, finding “We” instead of me,
That national pride gets in the way
Of rest and exercise,
For finding our soul through peace and justice,
Most assuredly, we could die or get better,
We don’t know yet – since it is in the balance,
Needing surgery on the obstructions, maybe impeachment,
Maybe to hear leisurely poems rather than war drums,
To see if we will recover from this national heart attack.
(On occasionwhen DPF commemorated Sept. 11, 2001)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Counter Recruiting
The war making machine sneakily
Spreadsits tentacles into the schools
When a friendly recruiter leeringly
Latchesonto an innocent teenager.
Spieling out the schmaltz sales talk,
“Youwill want the best life possible,
And we can start you on that today,”
Therecruiter feeds blind propaganda.
Rescuing youth from militarism
Requiresa dialogue at the railroad,
“To stop, look and listen” for the options,
And refuse to support the killing machine.
(On occasionwhen recruiting is 2 billion too much; I’m wondering how to save our youth)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
The world has lost
its sense of humor,
by its sick sick addiction
to the instruments of war.
And no matter how many peace marches
Try to intervene and say, ‘Insanity.’
The addiction drives itself to the bottom,
Beforeit will listen to a voice of reason.
War’s gone wrong,
No more song,
No one is laughing,
And people keep dying,
We need change
Before we give up
(On occasion when it’s hard to endure the anguish of war)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Final Regrets
Poised to build a Bombplex,
When we might peer over the nuclear abyss,
And ask ourselves if it is worth the potential
For destruction and finality, for someone at least,
We would probably come to the edge later, with regrets.
We would ask if we could learn anything
About heeding Eisenhower’s warning that
Everygun that is made signifies
atheft from the poor,
and hisconclusion that this is not
a healthy way of life –
this military industrial complex --
that drains our soul
of joy and life.
Our future on this planet
Could easily be destroyed
Byirresponsible decisions,
Shortsighted by economic interests,
And moral bankruptcy,
And fear of the phantom enemy.
That today many of us are motivated,
Not by force, but rather by courage of convictions,
That weare placed here to unite
rather than divide,
to make things better than
to spend a lot of money to keep
nations fearful.
The “Build up of arms” used to be called M.A.D.,
-Mutually Assured Destruction -
Which on the face of it is an insane idea,
That could destroy the whole world,
And so what we are asking is a moral turn-around,
That could reverse a pro-war mentality,
Which of course is the easy way out–
And know that the real,genuine work
Requires peacemaking, not by force,
but by nurturing communities
and communicating through conflicts
and not coming to the nuclear edge
with final regrets.
(On the occasion of Bendix public hearing, 5/23/07)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Imagine One Day of Peace
Imagine a day when the Department of Defense
No longer vacuums up all the money
That could be traded to care for people,
…When corporations like the Military Industrial Complex
No longer sneak behind the right to privacy
And will examine the unethical practice of building weapons
That lead to death and destruction of civilians,
…When workers are concerned about building up
Rather than tearing down the new creation,
Preventing global warming rather than scorching the earth,
…When policy makers begin to listen to peacemakers
Rather than trying to use force to outmaneuver them.
Imagine such a day! When we Imagine! Peace!
(On occasion in 08 when peacemakers were trying to stop plans
for a nuclear facility and we were appealing
to the US General Service Administrator)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Live Meditation
Sometimes resolving the tensions
Of peacemaking takes me into
The present moment
Which nurtures the inner being,
And gives a quiet energy of peace,
But changing the injustices
Means standing in the present
And getting in the way
Of the money and the controllers
Of fear and the future,
And so we have to let go
And be true to our own self,
No matter the threats,
And how hard we beat up ourselves,
If we will be true to ourselves,
We will have a chance to live.
(On an occasion when a Sabbath moment brings a peaceperspective)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Meanwhile, a War
A war is going on,
And we pretend.
Maybe our trivialities
Makelives end.
The aggression needs to stop
Assuming we have the only right
To do whatever we want, whenever,
While others shudder with fright.
A war is going on,
And wepretend.
While powerless victims
Justwish it would end.
(On occasion of reflecting what is normal, war or peace)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Obsession with Violence
How would we begin to transform a culture
That is tantalized by guns, spies, and war games?
When the downward spiral toward death is provocative
And we avoid a more humane treatment of others.
How do you address the fascination with war?
And stop stealing other resources like oil and land.
Or how about eliminating unfair capital punishment,
Maybe finding alternatives in the way we raise children.
Violence everywhere! Too bad it becomes the standard,
When what we need is to make non-violence normal,
Discovering that we not only hurt less people,
But we find peacemaking healthy to all living things.
(On occasion in 09 when AFSC wonders how the peacemakingmovement
breaks through the longevity of war)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Of War and Peace
Whenever I hear the word “fascism”
Icringe, because it represents
Such a black mark on public decency,
Squelching the right to be free.
You say that you are already free,
That is,until you try to be different
And raise questions that go against
Theprevailing point of view.
Most people hear the word “peace”
And they cringe over its softness,
Because it would ask us to be opposite
Ofour brutish, football mentality.
(On occasion of facing the peace dilemma when football andfascism present a contradiction)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Quest of Peace
This quest for peace, fragile and illusive,
Fights bombastic, strident voices, craving
To get there by force, brutally abusive,
Completely dominating and enslaving.
War shows up in the gaps of life,
Basically because of pressures
When we seek energy from strife
And try to steal other treasures.
Peace comes to our sister and brother,
After resolving the gaps of violence,
Not subjugating but respecting the other
Even walking away from any offense.
Peace calls us onto the other side,
To learn something about the quest,
Not violence and killing and pride,
But finding ourselves in Sabbath rest.
(On occasion of seeking the best peace)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Sabbatizing Peace
Shalom, Salaam, Peace,
Sabbatize us in your vision of peace,
Where we no longer justify our conflicts,
Torture, or any meanness to our enemies --
Let us turn from violence, fear,
And resolve war with the energy of love,
By courage within to work for justice,
And building up a new and humane creation.
(On occasion of making a good statement on peace)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Sacred COW
We are holding up these signs
About the “Cost Of War,” asserting
That, one day of the Iraq war
Equals 720 million dollars,
Or 95,364 head start places for children
Or 84 new elementary schools
Or 6,482 families with homes,
When someone went by, shunning the flyer
Saying, “That is the price of freedom.”
Really! lost lives, lost dollars, lost morality,
When we could end the Iraq war,
Bring the troops home, unoccupy Iraq,
And redirect tax dollars to meet human need,
Money, Defense Contractors, Blackwater –
Forced freedom has a hollow ring to it.
Isn’t it about time to kill the sacred cow?
(On occasion of questioning how patriotism gets in the wayof clear thinking)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Souled Out
A nation that is comfortable
With huge missiles and big guns
And power and money and force
As a means of protection
While calling for patriotism
Will soon find that it has sold out
To values that cheapen
the human spirit
And seduced some into the macho military
To quicken a day of destruction
When we can no longer put out
the global oily fire
Because we have lost the opportunity
To do something about our demise,
As we go the way of the dinosaur,
Or become like trance-like dopes
Monkeying around
With sticks of dynamite?
Perhaps, we can search for illusive hope
By hiding the matches
Or go one more day to pray for peace
Or do some constructive act for the poor
Or expose the government’s deceit
Or take time to transform our soul.
(On occasion of asking what we sell our soul for)
©2010 "Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion" by Ronald L. Faust
Glazed crystals fell from his frozen fists
And his face looked up from the fixed stare
As a passer-by offered him help to a better place,
But he was not choosing well, addicted to drink.
One has to wonder, though, what structures
Contribute to some becoming poor
And others rich from the sale of weapons
While we roll around in the snow of our moral dilemma.
City leaders huddle to keep warm
In details to build weapons of homelessness,
Addicted to systems of short-term solutions,
If they choose a frozen death wish over life.
(On occasion during a public hearing about the KC Plant bombplex after a guy almost froze to death … raising questions about the conditions that keep us poor and throws too much money at the wrong things)
©2010 Ronald L. Faust at City Council Infrastructure Committee on 1/14/10
A Faithful Life
And what does the Lord require
But to do justice,
To offer love in a society,
To level the playing field,
To stand with the poor,
To work to bring the ups and downs
Closer together, more equal,
But something else,
To love kindness,
To take a softer approach,
To avoid the posturing of war,
To be equally sensitive to enemies,
To shun the trappings of nationalism,
To have the courage to be peacemakers,
To embrace diversity,
And become more tender, gentler,
Yet it is even more than this,
To walk humbly with your God,
To journey quietly on earth,
To live a life of integrity,
To be faithful to one’s deep values,
To honor one’s commitments,
To be as authentic as possible,
To this end, you have lived life fully
And served life faithfully,
(On occasion of thinking about Micah 6:8 and Micah ministries) Ron Faust on 4/25/10
Secret Languishing
Languishing, mostly that,
After staring stupid
Through prison bars,
Until the gates abruptly open
And jolt you to attention
With a slammer sound
That vibrates up and down
The spinal column, like a
Switching of trains
Screaming, and squirming
Pulling and jerking
Silence, and then
A prisoner cautiously enters
Bracing stiffly for the
Sound of the slammer,
Returning to languish
Before the gods of power
Unable to squelch
The secrets of protest,
Which knows the freedom
From injustice.
(On occasion of an arrest of Ron Faust and 52 others at the KC Plant making nuclear weapons on May 2, 2011)
Nuclear Voices
Voices of nuclear weapons
Always insist on safe levels
And like to tease the risks
And will even blame the victims
Who would have the audacity
To reveal radioactive cancers
While the public turns its head in denial
And goes along with well paid jobs
That never asks what it produces,
And before you know it, we have created
These weapons of mass destruction
That can blow everybody up,
So where is the sanity in all this,
When we listen to the voices that
Tell us that everything is all right,
When we should have our heads examined
And quit allowing the authorities
To silence the sanctity of survival.
(On occasion of listening to those who insist that there are acceptable levels of radiation in exchange for jobs in the nuclear industry) 6/15/11
The Seasons of Disruption
What an awesome autumn day
With its summertime holdover
Of breezy greenly waving leaves
Saying Tata to the feisty summer.
Yet a certain sadness comes to creep
On my shoreline like a breaking wave
For no reason except for a distant loss
Of a friendship broken, disgruntled.
Nor can I explain the tears of humanity
For the wails of mourning by the wall
Built to make the other side disappear
As the haunting Drones buzz over.
And so I must face my winter of disruption
When I have railed against the injustices
And endured the vengeful violence,
I want to sow a forgiving springtime.
(On occasion of the first day of autumn and the end of trials by being reminded of the loss of innocent lives by Drones.) Ron Faust 9/22/12
A Day of Vindication in PeaceWorks
“Not Guilty” was far more auspicious
than a technicality about trespassing
for it represented peacemaker after
peacemaker following their conscience
to question the morality of nuclear weapons
when we have actually built dangerous killers
and assumed that this is a rational way to live,
but finally it took one beacon of light
to claim his right to stand against darkness,
a lawyer who had a good lawyer – himself,
and who vindicated the ignored peace movement.
(On occasion when Henry Stoever dared to defend himself in court before Judge Franco and showed the validity of his right to cross the line for sanity in the nuclear weapons buildup – finally a turn-about for hundreds of guilty sentences.) 1/16/15
The Piety of War
War persists
in the patriotism
in the God Bless America
in the justification of freedom
War lingers
in the dark recesses of torment
in the nightmares of images
in the memory of ghostly pals
War rages
in the broken promises
in the wounded heart
in the injury to moral integrity
War exaggerates
how much good it does but only
for those who take the money
War struts its stuff in pious parades
where we call the warriors heroes
even though they don’t feel like it
I say, I don’t like piety in religion
Neither do I like it in glorified war.
So leave the costumes to Halloween.
(On occasion when we dress up for both war and religion we become less than authentic; the result is a piety that doesn’t work) RLF 10/30/15